Friday, March 21, 2008

You always have a place.!!

This week has been a trying one. I had somewhat of a mini-meltdown on Monday. I guess that I was just overwhelmed, because there is a lot going on. On Mondays I go from one job to the next, so it's a pretty long day. I'm used to it and at this point, i don't think that I want anything else for me. However, I totally slipped. I only packed half of my uniform for the second job. My manager said, "Aimee, maybe you should think about taking some time off, we love you, and we you've been very frazzled the past couple of weeks and don't want to lose you because of burnout." I was like, "what?" time off? Are you crazy? But then ultimately I was like, hmmm, he might be on to something. I have recently started a new "day" job..and I love it, there is always something to do, and I'm under a little bit of pressure. I love the pressure part because I'm a stress junkie and function better that way. There have been some pretty big changes in my life this week, well actually this past month, and I feel just sort of out of place. I feel like I'm disposable at my new job, I have been struggling at my other job. Just being kind of down and stressed. Then i feel kind of disconnected at church. This morning I woke up and called one of my favorite people in the whole world and shared that with her and we just had a great talk. It then dawned on me that my place for now is my job, (both of them), and that I always have a place at church, and the same phone numbers are in my phone even though I am feeling out of sorts. I was uncomfortable for a minute and it kind of stressed me out, but I worked through it. Just something to think matter how bad your day/week/month or year is......if you are surrounded by the right things then you always have a place.

1 comment:

Jody said...

Your the real deal. Keep that it that way.