Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday!!

Wow, so today I wasn't volunteering at church and it gave me the opportunity to attend worship with a great friend of mine. I'm going to try and leave it all nameless in this so that she doesn't feel singled out. It's all very new to her and she's fragile. Anywho, it was her second time attending Elevation today and she loved it again and she gave her life to Christ. She said something to me and I knew exactly what she meant. She said...he's so convincing and he addresses all of the questions that I have. I said, "Yup, that's how we roll here." I always tell people who question me about my faith, my church and my journey that "I wouldn't sell it if I wouldn't buy it." I honestly wouldn't. I'm sooo very proud of her today and I'm so happy for her. She's dealing with the right church right now while she is still new in her faith....It was one of the best easter's I've had in a long time. If I had been volunteering like usual, I don't know if I would have been there to witness this firsthand. I think that her road will be a tad bumpy, but I also think that she will find some peace. There is nothing better in the whole wide world then to realize that you are free and that it is safe to have faith again. Happy Easter everyone. I'm thrilled.

1 comment:

Jody said...

That was awesome. Thank you for bringing your friend. And thanks for sharing!